A majority of mobile apps are free to install, as they allure end users. But it’s free for users only, and not the Mobile app development companies that develop them. Behind great apps, an entire team with skilled human resource is working hard, day and night, which of course is not free. It even requires excellent planning and an extraordinary ecosystem.
The actual cost of apps varies depending upon a few factors and market conditions. And even the type of app is included.
Roughly, a software development company spends around $6500 to develop an app that has bare minimum features. It includes salaries of those people working in the team to develop that app. From developers to designers, testers and technical writers, a whole team is involved in developing an app.
Let’s now look at the factors to be considered while deciding the cost of an application:
Tips For Product Based Companies
Initiating ideas
Thorough Testing
Platforms & Devices
Tips For Client Based Companies / Service Companies
Human resources
Maintenance: Once an app is built and delivered to the client, that’s not the end. Timely updates and maintenance is required. The client may ask for a new feature or any other update.
Depending upon the product and market, cost of an app is decided. Product based and client based companies have different costs to build an app. While a product based company’s success is solely dependent on the app, a client based company works according to the client’s needs. So its success depends on the client.
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- Updated On Oct 2016: Updated links and fixed minor formatting issues.
Arpit Khandelwal is Marketing Manager at Reliant Tekk, a well-known iPhone Application Development Company and offer advance software solutions globally. Arpit love to provide technical updates and solutions to users which help them to understand ongoing updates in iPhone, Android world. Follow Reliant Tekk on Facebook.