With several website designing tools in the market and online competition becoming cutthroat by the minute, there are many ways that new and emerging businesses can create effective and responsive websites.
There are plenty website builders that can create a quick and beautiful website for you. However remember that a good website is not only one that looks bright and shiny, but also conveys your message with a strong call-to-action and turns all viewers into customers within the shortest course of time.
If you spend enough time creating the website first time it can also save a lot of hassle of website redesign that will cost your business a fortune.
So if you’re planning a new website for your business, here are 5 tips that are essence of all web design books and also offered by the best website makers that offer a valuable insight on how to create an effective website:
Step 1: What Moves People?
Before creating any draft designs, the first step is to consider any and all marketing strategies that you can use to attract your target audience. WordPress recommends that you should calculate the marketing strategy that offers the lowest cost per acquisition of a new customer. This could be either SEO optimization, PPC, Social Media marketing or Press Releases.
Step 2: What Is The Purpose Behind Visiting Your Website?
Your website will be viewed by individuals in different countries, belonging to different cultures, income strata and languages. However, they will all be looking for one thing: what to do next after visiting your website? Do you want them to sign up, or simply click to learn more? Fox Business advises all business owners not to try to appease everyone, but you should lay out your website clearly and offer all navigation options to viewers. Try focusing on all features which, you believe, your viewers are likely to benefit from.
Step 3: What Will Your Visitors Ask?
As the viewers will visit your website, they will have several questions racing through their minds: Are these people reliable? Do they have experience? Can I afford their products and services? Are they good? Therefore, your website needs to address all these questions clearly. Short and clear messages, in bullet points, are always preferred and easy to read as compared to long, boring and unending paragraphs.
Step 4: What Exactly Do You Want Them To Do?
This is one question most of the businesses fail to answer. Forbes magazine states that the primary reason why some websites simply fail to take off is because they do not have a call-to-action that evokes the desired response. A good website directs web traffic exactly where the business wants it to go. If you want your customers to call you, subscribe with your business or place an order, create a compelling call-to-action that persuades them to do what you want them to do. Be clear, concise and practical in your CTA.
Step 5: How Many People Do You Want?
Not all website visitors and viewers will turn into customers. At the last stage of your website design planning, you need to ask yourself how many viewers would you like to buy from you? What conversion rate are you looking for? How can you keep in-touch with your potential customers and website viewers? – Example: by email, phone call or social media following.
Hope you find this article useful for designing your website. Please share your thoughts in comments.