String Copying in C: A Complete Guide to strcpy, strncpy, and strlcpy

C String Manipulation Decoded: Choosing the Right Copy Function

C Programming: String Copy Functions Compared – strcpy, strncpy, and strlcpy Tutorial

Buffer overflows have long been one of the most notorious security vulnerabilities in C programming. At the heart of many such issues lies string manipulation, particularly string copying operations. Understanding the differences between strcpy, strncpy, and strlcpy isn’t just about writing better code – it’s about writing secure code.

The Evolution of String Copying in C

When C was first developed, string manipulation seemed straightforward. The standard library provided strcpy(), a simple function to copy strings. However, as security concerns grew and buffer overflows became a significant threat, newer alternatives emerged: strncpy() and later, strlcpy(). Each function has its own strengths and pitfalls, making the choice between them crucial for developers.

Understanding strcpy()

The simplest and oldest of the three functions, strcpy() copies a string from source to destination, including the null terminator. Its prototype looks like this:

cCopychar *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);

Advantages of strcpy()

Disadvantages of strcpy()

Consider this example:

cCopychar small_buffer[5];
char *long_string = "This string is too long";
strcpy(small_buffer, long_string);  // Buffer overflow!

This code will write beyond small_buffer’s bounds, potentially corrupting memory or causing a crash.

Enter strncpy()

To address strcpy()’s security issues, strncpy() was introduced. It allows specifying a maximum number of characters to copy:

cCopychar *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n);

Advantages of strncpy()

Disadvantages of strncpy()

Here’s a proper usage example:

cCopychar dest[10];
strncpy(dest, "Hello", 9);
dest[9] = '\0';  // Explicit null termination

The Modern Solution: strlcpy()

Developed for OpenBSD, strlcpy() aims to combine safety with ease of use:

cCopysize_t strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t size);

Advantages of strlcpy()

Disadvantages of strlcpy()

Example usage:

cCopychar dest[10];
size_t result = strlcpy(dest, "Hello, World!", sizeof(dest));
if (result >= sizeof(dest)) {
    // String was truncated

Performance Considerations

When it comes to performance, these functions show interesting characteristics:

  1. strcpy() is fastest but unsafe
  2. strncpy() can be slower due to null padding
  3. strlcpy() offers good performance without padding

Best Practices for String Copying

When to Use Each Function

Use strcpy() when:

Use strncpy() when:

Use strlcpy() when:

Security Guidelines

  1. Always validate input lengths
  2. Check function return values
  3. Ensure proper buffer sizing
  4. Consider using string libraries

Modern Alternatives

While these traditional functions remain widely used, modern C programming often employs alternatives:

  1. String Classes
  2. Safe String Libraries
  3. Buffer Management Systems
  4. String View Types

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

strcpy() Pitfalls

strncpy() Pitfalls

strlcpy() Pitfalls


Choosing between strcpy(), strncpy(), and strlcpy() involves balancing security, performance, and portability. While strcpy() offers simplicity and speed, its security risks make it suitable only for carefully controlled scenarios. strncpy() provides better safety but requires careful handling of null termination. strlcpy() represents the most modern approach, combining safety and usability, though its limited availability can be a constraint.

For modern C programming, strlcpy() is often the best choice when available. Otherwise, carefully used strncpy() with explicit null termination provides a good balance of safety and portability. Remember: in string manipulation, the extra effort spent on safety always pays off in the long run.

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