5 Ways Technology Can Increase Workplace Productivity

A company’s success depends on its productivity. For your business to remain profitable and competitive no matter what industry, you have to provide your workers with the tools that they might need in any specific situation in their everyday tasks at the workplace.

In today’s environment, when employees are dispersed via remote and hybrid working practices, it can be even more difficult to keep up high levels of productivity in teams working from different locations. In fact, a recent poll found that just 12% of workers are entirely productive at work.

The good news is that there are methods for businesses to begin investing in the growth of a more productive staff, all it takes is the adoption of appropriate technology. If you want to increase productivity and give your staff more autonomy, consider these five technological investments.


If your on-site and remote staff are still using time cards to clock in and timesheets to manually register their hours, you are losing out on the numerous productivity advantages of adopting automated time tracking.

Time tracking can increase both on-site and remote employee productivity in several ways. It can help employees identify how much time they spend on specific tasks and adjust their schedules accordingly to prioritize the most important work. This allows them to work more efficiently and meet deadlines more effectively, leading to increased productivity.

Time tracking can also help you as a manager identify any potential inefficiencies in your team’s workflow. The time it takes workers to perform various tasks can act as an indicator of where the workflow is being slowed down, allowing you to eliminate or at least mitigate those obstacles. 

In addition, reliable remote computer monitoring software can help remote employees feel more accountable and connected to their work. By tracking their time, remote employees can demonstrate to their managers and colleagues that they are working diligently and completing tasks on schedule. Because of this, trust and communication can grow among remote employees and their teams, leading to higher output and better results.

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration software has made it simple for teams to work together on projects and tasks from anywhere in the world. This not only keeps teams interested but also helps them communicate more effectively with one another. Improving both cohesiveness as well as personal relationships as colleagues. 

Regardless of where in the world they could be located or what time it may be, teams can maintain constant communication. Collaboration technologies make it simple for teams to make up for lost time while away. Members of a team can work together to solve problems, get inspiration, and support one another in trying times.


Being effective entails devoting the necessary amount of time to your responsibilities. The use of technologies such as marketing automation and machine learning assists in providing more time for employees. It can result in your employees having more free time and willingness to spend on other more important tasks. 

Numerous companies have found success by using a chatbot to handle incoming customer service inquiries. Without the need for human interaction, chatbots can go through messages and transfer clients to the appropriate department. When clients have particular questions or wish to speak with a person, employees are able to take over.

Project Management

Using project management software makes it simpler to get everyone on board with a project. Tasks can be delegated, briefs and files can be attached, and communication can take place all in one place, making it ideal for project managers.

Team members can quickly identify what their roles are and where their goals lie. They are also linked to the other members of their project team. All project files can be accessed inside the project, keeping everyone up to date on progress and deliverables.

System Safety

Modern cloud-based systems provide cutting-edge security. On top of that, there are countless advanced anti-phishing solutions to help prevent almost every cyber attack possibility. 

Businesses can save time, money, and energy by preventing security breaches. Having up-to-date security measures in place can prevent downtime from ransomware, domain name hijacking, and other cyber threats.

In the case of a security breach, these same security solutions are available to swiftly fix the problem. This helps to ensure that there is as little downtime as possible and assists in getting company activities back up and running as quickly as possible.

Final Thoughts

Every technology is made with the goal to simplify our everyday lives. When it comes to companies, technology is being utilized to streamline processes, increase output, and save expenses. Although every individual is ultimately responsible for their productivity, followed by the team as a whole; however, with the right tools at your disposal, they just increase the likelihood.

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