Magento Development Trends In 2022

Magento Development Trends In 2022

Merchants looking to build their eCommerce are asking, “what’s there in Magento.” Well, ever since Magento upgraded to Magento 2, the course of Magento has changed. The complexity has reduced, the platform has become more merchant friendly, and it is in a definite space to fight with giants like Shopify and WooCommerce.

What is Magento Development?

Magento development is a process of developing an SEO-friendly eCommerce store on Magento. The process involves five stages of development: research & planning, wireframing & designing, development, testing, and deployment.

The other two post-development processes include support and maintenance.

Top Magento Development Trends of 2022

Check out these top trends. You can also adopt them to nail the eCommerce space.

#1 Integrating AI and chatbot

Most buyers are reluctant to ring the toll-free customer support number. For them and others, chatbots were a revolution. And eCommerce businesses are actively using AI and chatbots.

By 2025, this conversational AI market is estimated to rise to $13.9 billion.

How does it help?

Magento development enhances customers’ shopping experience with Artificial Intelligence by introducing chatbots.

#2 Optimizing on Voice Search feature

Thanks to Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and other voice assistants. Your customers seek voice-recognition service even while shopping online.

Around 71% of customers prefer voice assistants over typing.

How does it help?

#3 Integrating social media and social selling

Around 4.7 billion people in the world use social media. More than half of the world’s population. And social commerce is the hottest trend. By 2025, it is expected to rise to $1.2 trillion compared to $492 billion in 2021.

Magento has tapped this trend.

How does it help?

#4 Optimizing on push notifications

Push notifications are a quick way to say Hello! to your customers. These small pop-up messages on top of your screens focus more on the existing customers than on onboarding new ones.

How does it help?

Magento 2 allows developers and merchants to use build push notifications now. Earlier, it was a bit complex. Finally, Magento understands retargeting.

#5 Using Magento Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Progressive Web Application is a cocktail of your eCommerce website and native app. It can be used offline and on any device, be it your phone or laptop.

Flipkart used PWA to boost its conversion rate by 70%. No wonder why it’s a top Magento trend.

How does it help?

Final Takeaway

Magento Development is a brilliant platform that has a wide range of features and tools in its arsenal. It customizes and transforms your eCommerce business and boosts growth. You can use these trends to ace your eCommerce space.

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