Verida Protocol is Enhancing The Web3 Developers Ecosystem

Verida Protocol is Enhancing The Web3 Developers Ecosystem

There’s no denying the fact that in recent months the idea behind Web3 — also referred to as Web 3.0 — has garnered a lot of attention globally, especially amongst crypto and blockchain proponents who, more usually tend to lay a lot of emphasis on the ethos of decentralization.

In fact, the core idea underlying Web3 lies in stark contrast to what we have currently — i.e. Web 2.0 — wherein a major chunk of all the digital data in existence today is confined to the realm of a few companies such as Google, Facebook, Apple, etc (who basically have a monopoly over a person’s private content).

In this regard, Web3 apps are designed to be permissionless in nature, which basically means that there is no central authority that governs them nor do they need any “trusted intermediary” to function or facilitate transactions between two or more digital entities. In terms of their utility, Web3 apps have found increasing acceptance across a host of novel domains including decentralized finance (DeFi), self-sovereign identities, non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Lastly, in recent months, a growing chorus of voices has been pushing for the development and adoption of Web3 protocols that can allow users to communicate with a local or remote blockchain through the use of novel, future-ready modules such as a Client SDK, Single Sign-On (SSO) SDK, Storage Node, etc.


What is Verida offering?

Simply put, Verida’s Alpha protocol is an all-in-one Web3 ecosystem designed to help users gain a high degree of control and privacy over their personal information. Not only that, it also serves as the perfect foundation for developers looking to devise a wide range of dApps, all using a simple QR code-based single, sign-on design.

On a more technical front, Verida provides its clients with an easy-to-use function library that is meant to mitigate a whole host of design-oriented complexity related to things like encryption, permission modules, schemas, and user management. In addition to this, it should also be noted that the applications devised using Verida — especially the ones making use of common schemas — can help enable seamless data transmissions across every other associated app that a user may be employing.

A Comprehensive Look at the Matter

Verida’s Client SDK is one the most prominent operational/functional module available to interested users, providing them with an open-source implementation of the Verida protocol. Using the module, it is possible for clients to deploy the platform with the touch of a button. Not only that, but it also allows interested developers to gain access to the system’s encrypted storage, identity, messaging, and schemas modules.

The Client SDK also comes replete with certain additional features that allow it to enable user authentication via private keys as well as QR codes all while providing previously authenticated users with seamless access to the system’s natively encrypted databases.

Next up is the Verida Vault, which is basically a mobile application that delivers clients access to a private key management suite. It makes use of an extremely intuitive user interface, allowing clients to interact with the Verida ecosystem as well as store personal user data (synchronizing it with other apps that a user may be interacting with at any given point).

So What Makes Verida so Unique?

In addition to the features outlined above, Verida’s Alpha protocol also comes replete with an SSO SDK, which is basically a decentralized single “sign-on client”, or on a more technical note, an “authentication server SDK”. In terms of its functional utility, the SSO SDK is designed to process seamless QR code authentications via the implementation of the above-started Verida Vault app.

Also, in the true spirit of Web3, the protocol also comes with a protection framework designed to provide users with database storage and encryption (as well as protection from any third party risks associated with one’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Looking Ahead…

As the world continues to move towards an increasingly decentralized future, it stands to reason that the use of Web3 applications will only continue to grow and expand at a rapid rate. In this regard, Verida provides its clients as well as all forward-thinking developers with the tools needed to tap into this fast-evolving ecosystem in the easiest, most streamlined manner possible.

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