Mobile websites are the order of the day because the number of mobile users has overtaken desktop users, and most internet searches happen from mobile devices. Businesses must ensure that the website is easily accessible and well displayed on mobile devices with full functionalities so that users have the best experience. To achieve the goal, all websites must adopt the responsive design, which has become the mainstay of Seattle web design.
Design Websites for Mobile Devices First
With a focus on mobile device users, it is only natural that web designers are now taking a mobile-first approach by designing websites for mobile devices that display well on desktops too. This approach works well because it addresses all usability concerns of mobile users arising from the lack of screen real estate; hence it is more practical to focus on mobile users when designing websites.
Ask Questions
When using responsive design, you would face several questions, and finding answers to these questions will enrich your journey and lead to more effective website design. Designers must question the necessity of the functions and features that you are contemplating so that you can work out a minimalist route of designing, which is alter scalable for meeting the desktop needs.
Focus on the User Objectives
After determining the necessary features and functionalities of the website that can help to attain the website goals, designers start working on the secondary objectives as user flows, CTAs, micro-interactions, etc. that help to achieve the objectives. By focusing on the primary objectives, removing unwanted friction obstructs the way for achieving the primary and secondary objectives. If it is an e-commerce site with the primary intention of buying and selling products, there should not be any conflict with the secondary objective of signing up for the newsletter.
Responsive web design is more than the website aesthetics and includes the functionalities as well as the kind of feeling that the website generates among users. All design parameters chosen by designers must complement website speed because it becomes a differentiating factor in website performance.