6 Important Reasons Why You Should Choose WordPress for Your Student Blog

Blogging Platform

Multiple platforms provide opportunities for people to launch their blogs for free. Some blogging platforms such as WordPress have been around longer, and it is the most popular compared to others. This platform is downloadable on all devices and has unique themes and layouts that can be customized.

Why WordPress is the Best Blogging Platform for Students

Many websites claim to provide the best services and features only to disappoint. That is why we put together a list to show you why WordPress is the way to go.

1. User-Friendly

As a beginner, you might be wondering where to start or how to install the site; however, you do not require any skills or technical help. WordPress is easy to install, and it works immediately. You don’t have to worry about the cost as it can be downloaded and installed free of charge from the hosting provider.

The next step requires you to create an account and domain name. There are different themes and templates to customize your account’s layout. These features create a unique attractive blog that will get you many readers. For example, EduBirdies gets a lot of traffic because of their design, and content.

2. Extra Software is not Required

WordPress helps bloggers to write, correct, and edit their content without requiring special software such as HTML. You will be able to correct and add images to your blog posts even after posting them which means you can upload your material anywhere without professional help. There is no limit to the number of pages or posts you can upload. It also gives you the option of saving your work in the draft section to finish later.

3. Easy to Manage from Any Device

You can access WordPress from any device because it is browser-based which only requires a reliable internet connection. This gives you the freedom to write using school computers, on your friend’s PC, at internet cafes, etc. You don’t have to carry the laptop everywhere to write whenever you get an idea because Android phones and tablets also give you access to this website without limiting the features. This provides the freedom to write as you research; for instance, you can utilize the library computers to research and blog at the same time.

4. Search Engines can Easily Locate WordPress

WordPress enables search engines to decode, read, and index your blog’s content. You can make your account search engine friendly by:

Ø Setting www to make your page accessible to a broader audience. Search engines categorize pages into those with URLs such as and those without URLs. For your posts to receive priority, include the www into your URL.

Ø Each page post has provisions for META, keywords, title, and description which can be adjusted to allow for specific search engine optimization.

Ø Include links to related websites and creates a section for readers to leave their comments. The more the comments, the more your blog content increases prompting the search engines to index, and use this information to determine the position your blog lies based on keywords. Linking to an authoritative website enables you to grow your digital presence.

5. Total Control

WordPress gives you the freedom to update and customize your site without having to hire a web designer. As a student, you can customize your blog by including unique themes so that your website can stand out from the others.

6. You Can Expand Your Site Using Plugins

WordPress plugins add value to your site by enabling you to connect social media sites such a Facebook, and Twitter. The social media slider allows readers to share content from your website to social media platforms. This way, your content becomes accessible to more audience who will visit our site to get similar content.

Google Analytics helps you monitor, and get relevant information concerning the traffic to your website. This plugin directs information pertinent to your administration panel for easier viewing. Google Analytics enables functionality to WordPress by providing reports related to posts, users, and tags; this gives you the complete statistics of past and recent traffic flow to your site.

The Yoast SEO plugin enables you to use META tags, XML sitemap, and Breadcrumb navigation. This plugin authorizes you to see whether your material meets SEO standards before uploading to your site. Yoast permits you to determine the blog posts to be shown on the web search engines and which not to display. This plugin creates an XML sitemap to inform search engines such a Google of its existence. The Breadcrumbs feature enables you to create easy navigation for visitors and browser.


No doubt, starting a student blog is both beneficial to you and the readers; however, to get the most out of your blogging you have to choose the correct platform. WordPress is easy to launch, use, and has unique features that enable you to post and reach a large audience.

Which features do you enjoy in WordPress? What makes them interesting? We’d like to hear from you, comment below!

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