How Touchscreens Can Be Used to Improve Customer

 How Touchscreens Can Be Used to Improve Customer

It isn’t uncommon to see touchscreen monitors in stores these days. Having an in-store industrial touchscreen monitor is one of the ways that brick-and-mortar stores try to keep their clients happy and not lose them to online shopping. If shopping trends for the past few years were to be any indication though, online shopping will pull abreast with traditional shopping in terms of sales and number of customers within the next few years.

While statistics show that 64 percent of shoppers are still more likely to spend their cash in brick-and-mortar stores, those who prefer the convenience of online shopping are not so far behind at 36 percent. In fact, the number of online shoppers is steadily gaining ground. With touchscreen displays, brick-and-mortar establishments can improve customer experience and maybe even win back and convert those who prefer online shopping. Here’s a how do touchscreen displays improve customer experience?

The Wow Factor

Studies from a couple of years back strongly indicate that interactive displays gain approximately 40 percent more foot traffic in exhibits and conferences. It wouldn’t be a stretch to conclude that touchscreen displays will have the same effect for traditional stores. Interactive displays can easily capture the attention of potential customers. This can be especially true with touchscreen monitors since they work in a similar format with mobile devices. Just like with smartphones and tablets, in-store touchscreen displays beckon potential clients to explore your store’s content. Once they tap, they can’t stop.

Touchscreen Displays Can Emphasize the Store’s Advantage

Online retail stores have strategic online displays and links, which are all designed to engage browsers and encourage them to buy. With an in-store touchscreen display, the customers will have the same experience as they too can explore the store’s products by just tapping on the screen. Once they see something they like, however, a brick-and-mortar store can do one thing that online shopping cannot: allow the customer to examine the product physically.

This is a major advantage that traditional stores have, and the touchscreen displays can help magnify it some more. Instead of rummaging through the displays, the customer can tap a few times and be directed to the section where the product is located. Clients can then try on a pair of pants to check how it fits, sample the scent of colognes or check how a towel feels like right next to the skin. This is one customer experience that online shopping cannot replicate.

Touchscreens May Be Aligned With Online Shopping

One innovative idea that some stores have been implementing is to use touchscreen displays to bring online shopping advantages right to the brick-and-mortar store itself. In other words, make the advantages of online shopping available to the in-store client and this can be done by giving clients the ability to go online through the touchscreen display.

By connecting the touchscreen monitor to the internet, they can do their usual online shopping activities. These may include comparing prices, reading product reviews, check product availability in outlets, etc. Customers may also check available promos and discounts on products and services. By aligning both online and offline shopping experiences through the touchscreen monitor, the store increases its chances of converting a sale.

If you own a brick-and-mortar store and plan on installing a touchscreen display, there are important factors that you must consider. These include space that you have for your monitor, the size of monitor that you want to invest in, its content and the kind of interactivity that you want your clients to have. Keep in mind that this type of monitor is industry-grade, and they are available only from a few select retailers.

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