Hiring Java Developer? Use Programming Skill Test Prior To Interview

Hiring Java Developer? Use Programming Skill Test Prior To Interview

With increasing pace of tough competition at any level, time has become an invaluable commodity when it comes to the Java development. The issues become more crucial when it comes to finding the right Java developer for any particular software. The right person should have extensive knowledge as well as programming skills for the success of the project. Now, with the advent of this service, the task of shortlisting the appropriate techies have become easier and simpler.

What Is Tests For Geeks

Tests For Geeks is a services which provides an array of programming online tests that covers various programming languages as well as platforms such as Java. Each programming test is devoted to a particular language or platform and is developed by professionals who have comprehensive skillsets, knowledge and experience. It is a fact that the hiring manager or team lead can save a lot of time and effort by testing the knowledge of the potential candidates before shortlisting and conducting the face-to-face interview. Although it should be noted that this test it is not an alternative for live interviews, it enables the HR to save their time by weeding out the wrong candidates at the initial stage. With the reach of the internet, the company can also tap talents overseas easily. Before going further, with the interview, the company can also ensure that the overseas candidate is the right choice.

How The Test Is Conducted?

The design of the test makes taking tests very easy for team lead to manage the hiring process. All the team lead has to do is to choose the required test, such as Java, generate a unique link and send it to the candidate. After the completion of the test by the candidate, the result becomes available in your inbox. If two or more candidates are slated to give this test, and you want to streamline the process, you can create a permanent link on your website and guide the candidates there. All these candidates have to mention their name and email before starting the test. The company can also apply for a permanent URL on their website so that potential candidates can give the test without HR or team lead participation. They need to intimate their name and email before testing their knowledge and skills in the online test.
Details of Java test

The Java programming test contains the following topics inside

  • Operators in Java language
  • Collections and Data Structures
  • Reference Types and Value Types
  • Autoboxing and Unboxing
  • OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
  • Patterns: Singleton
  • Exceptions, Threads and Synchronization
  • JPA and Hibernate

For Team Leads, HR Managers

It is a fact that time is an invaluable commodity for people working in any organization, regardless of the size. With a large number of applications, it is very difficult for any person to interview each candidate only to be disappointed. Also, the time that is wasted can be channeled into other productive work. With this service, the HR person can check the results and discard applicants who are unable to fare well in Java coding when compared to others. Although this testing is not the best substitute for a live interview, it saves precious time by avoiding meetings with unsuitable candidates.

Personalization And Branding

You can personalize the services of this website by using the company domain and logo while you are in process of hiring the suitable Java candidates. The company offers an unlimited plan with which you can convince the potential candidate that it is an in-house screening service of your company.

For Java Developers

For the programmers who are looking for a good position at any leading IT company, taking a test at Tests for Geeks is the best move. As the tests at this website are formulated by Java experts who have extensive experience in the industry, the tests represent a valuable benchmark. A test report from this website attached with the candidate’s resume will be a great value addition. This is because the report will demonstrate the software skills, knowledge and expertise of the developer.

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